Mind Bender

North wind site in the foothills of the Pioneer Mountains.

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Mind Bender


Elevation: 8,500’

Landing zone: 6000 (2,500’ below)

Requirements: see visiting pilots

A magnificent northerly site in the East Fork of the Big Wood valley. Mind Bender is about 10 miles SE of Ketchum. There are both drive up and hike up access.

Drive up access: Mind Bender is accessible by rugged 4x4 road from around July 1st until first snow. The road starts at the end of the Indian Cr road in Hailey.

Hike up access: Park here and follow a trail up the west ridge. Follow the rolling ridge to the first high point you come to. Hike up launch is father West than the drive up launch, and the LZ is the large parking lot where you started hiking.

Mind Bender site parameters:

  • Wind Parameters:

    • Wind Speed:

      • Minimum: 0mph

      • Ideal: 6mph

      • Maximum:12mph

      • Gust: 18mph

  • Wind Direction for Mind Bender: 300-60

  • 2:1 glide ratio to reach LZ from launch
